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AdMaths Junior helps learners to bridge the gap between primary school and high school. 

We compiled two 1 hour per week courses for intelligent primary school learners, which lay a strong algebra foundation at an early age.

This offers our bright learners an invaluable advantage in Grade 8 and 9. Not only do they grasp concepts more quickly but they also do their calculations faster and spend less time on maths homework.

AdMaths Junior

This course is conventionally presented from Grade 4 to Grade 7 over four years consecutively and typically as follows:

Grade 4  -  “Euclid” contents
Grade 5  -  “Euler” contents
Grade 6  -  “Gauss” contents
Grade 7  -  “Newton” contents

A Grade 5 newcomer must also start with the Euclid contents followed by Euler and Gauss in Grade 6 and 7 respectively. It is not necessary for a learner to complete the Newton contents in order to be promoted to Grade 8 AdMaths.

AdJunior Core Exposure

This course covers a certain selection of the contents of AdMaths Junior and is designed for learners who did not get the opportunity of AdMaths Junior in Grade 4 or 5. It also entails 1 hour per week.

The course consists of two consecutive year contents, which are typically done as follows:

Grade 6 – “Descartes” contents
Grade 7 – “Fermat” contents

A Grade 7 newcomer also starts with the Descartes content.It is not necessary for a learner to complete the Fermat contents in order to be promoted to Grade 8 AdMaths.


“I will most definitely recommend AdMaths to anybody else.” – John Smith

Topics we cover:

  Exponents & Roots Integers Algebra Equations Functions Geometry Problem Solving Strategies
